This year has been quite the year for most of us. We had not one trick-or-treater on our streets this year! The streets remained dark, and my area is usually very thriving and decorated during Halloween. Our decision to not pass out candy this year was spot on. So, we bought pizza and bread-sticks for dinner, made Halloween Snicker Doodle cookies, played sticky spider darts, put together some Halloween crafts, and GAMED! Tonight was a night for some of our games to participate in Halloween events, and it was quite fun. Hope everyone had a spooky Halloween night! 🎃
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
First Line Fridays

Darkest before Dawn: The Kingdom of Mercia Book 2 by Jayne Castel ALCHFLAED WAS RIDING on the beach when she saw the horsemen approach from the south.
Now it's Your turn!
Grab the book you are currently reading, open to Chapter 1 (or the Prologue), and post the first sentence of the chapter on your blog.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Throwback Thursdays
It has been fourteen years since I lost this beautiful woman I called mom. I sure do miss her.
Not a day goes by that I do not think of this woman. Her smile. Her laughter. Her sadness. This picture was taken on Tanner's 4th Birthday at our house. He is now 20 years old. Time passes too quickly. Cherish it and hold it dear.
“Time is the most valuable thing that a man can spend.” ― Diogenes
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
WWW Wednesdays
Yay, it's Wednesday and that means it is time for my very first - WWW Wednesday - a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. If you too want to participate, answer the below questions and post your link on Sam’s page. Feel free to leave your link here as well. I would love to see your WWW!
The three W’s stand for:
What did you recently finish reading? What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Just finished reading: Warrior Brothers of Skye The Complete Series
Book #1 Blood Feud & Book #2 Babarian Slave by Jayne Castel
Currently Reading: Book #3 Battle Eagle

Next Read: Under The Strawberry Moon (Prequel)
This book is the prequel to the Road to Valhalla series that I am getting ready to start reading. 😍
Top 5 Tuesday - Creepy Characters
Today is Tuesday and this is my very first Top 5 Tuesday! 😉 It's hosted by Meeghan over on Meeghan Reads. Halloween is in a few days and today's topic is creepy characters. Here are my top picks and these were characters that left a lasting impression!

#1 Pennywise
This is still one of my all time favorite books by Stephen King. He has a really cool house in Bangor, Maine.
"I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of."

#2 Ramsay Bolton
While Joffrey was a horrid individual, Ramsay is more cruel and has a profound disregard for others. The TV series was spot on with his character.
“This isn’t happening to you for a reason. Well, one reason. I enjoy it.”

#3 Hannibal Lecter
This guy is cunning and hyper-intelligent, and always one step ahead. His whole demeanor is ruthless. Just thinking about being in a room alone with him can leave you shaking. I remember the nightmares my mom had after watching Silence of the Lambs.
"Remarkable boy. I do admire your courage. I think I'll eat your heart."

#4 Ms. Danvers
Penned with incredible suspense and mystery. A housekeeper that keeps your house immaculate and pristine with everything in tip-top shape, only not for you.
"Sometimes, when I walk along the corridor here, I fancy I hear her just behind me. Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?"

#5 The Woman in Black
This Gothic horror novel is one that sends chills down your spine and gives you goose bumps. The movie wasn't too bad.
"They have asked for my story. I have told it. Enough."