Monday, November 30, 2020
Hollow Knight Sealed Vessel - Jens ROCKS it!
Jens is part of my daughter's Hollow Knight fan group on Facebook. As a fan of Classical Music, this guy really amazes me! Just for the record, Hollow Knight is a Indie game by Team Cherry that has become very popular. I have played this game but I see more of the bench than gameplay. 😜 Still a pretty cool adventure through a forgotten Kingdom of insects and heroes. My daughter LOVES this game.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
If things look wonky...
I am new to the Blogger platform, even though I am not new to the blog world. I have been transferring posts from another site here, so if things look a bit out of place or wonky, I do apologize in advance. 😀
It has been quite a long time since I have had to implement my own HTML or CSS code in certain places. Yes, I did build that website you see - but drag & drop is one of the reasons I chose that particular host. I probably need to work on my patience skills, as they are seriously lacking these days. LOL!
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Sunday Stealing - Weight
1. My biggest barrier to weight loss left foot. Years back, I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and it would come and go. But here lately, the pain is not just in the bottom of my foot, and it has been hurting for months now. The pain extends to the sides and wraps around my heel. Hopefully, my doctor can find out what is wrong in the coming months. Until then, I guess it is the stationary bike. Can someone send some motivation my way?
2. What is your relationship with food like? A so-so relationship I suppose. I know I should eat healthier but it is easier to just grab the chips and dip for a small snack.
3. What was the last time you had fun that made you smile for a few days? The last three weeks. My kids grew up with their cousin, who practically lived with us every summer and on weekends for years. She was like another daughter to me. A few years ago, she just quit coming over to hang out and life as we know it went on. She would swing by or stay a night here and there, but it was not like it used to be. My daughter comes to me the other day and asks if her cousin can come stay a few days. Of course, she is always welcome! Well, a few days turned into a few weeks and we played Minecraft on PC and played PS4 (we are Gamers), watched movies, and chatted. It was like the old days and seeing the three of them together made me smile and my heart soar. She stayed for Thanksgiving and we ate too much. I think I am still full. LOL!
4. What are triggers in your life that lead to eating? Boredom and movies. If I am not doing something constructive, or playing games where I am using my hands, I tend to go find something to munch on. This happens way too often if I binge watch shows.
5. What inspires you to be healthier? Seeing other people my age and older that look fabulous! If they can do it, I know I can. I just need my determination and motivation back.
6. Name two foods that you think are “bad”. I don't think any one food is bad but I believe eating in moderation is the key.
7. Are your expectations for yourself too high? Right now, my expectations are low. We will see when the new year arrives, but I sure would like to see the terms first.
8. Would you like more fun in your life? Fun has never left. I believe in working hard, but I also believe you need to have fun and enjoy life. Everyone needs balance.
9. What is your one comfort food? Peanut butter and crackers.
10. How would you give someone encouragement? Never give up. Set up small goals to achieve and take everything day to day.
11. Do you get enough sleep? This is a definite no. I am a night owl and I enjoy staying up late either gaming or reading books. But I also enjoy getting up in the morning and having my two cups of coffee.
12. What activities make you feel more relaxed? Reading. I love to read and I usually average a book a day. This month has had too many distractions and it has taken me three weeks to read one book. 😲
13. Where do you need to practice forgiveness in your life? With myself. Over the years, I have bottled up a lot of anger. Not necessarily towards others, but because of things that I feel were left unsaid. God and I talk about it all the time and he has told me that I am too hard on myself and to let him handle it.
14. What is one thing you have not done because of how you looked? Probably being in pictures. I know I have gained weight and I feel like a balloon. LOL! I tend to just take pictures of everyone else and if I do end up in the pic, I try to get only my upper body.
15. What would you like more of in your life? Less stress! I feel like this year has been nothing but stressful and it has led to some serious setbacks, especially with me having to resign from my job because of my foot.
Minecraft - Autcraft POTW
AustismFather hosting our weekly Player of the Week on Autcraft and as always, the potion of invisibility is activated every week. Ben goes around throwing these potions at players. Cake was not wearing any armor, so she is just not here. LOL! Just found out that I can do /heal instead of having to drink a cup of milk, which I never have on me. 😂
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 Hope everyone has a blessed day! We had a great Thanksgiving with lots of wonderful food. My daughter and niece made homemade butter and it turned out fantastic.
Throwback Thursdays
This pic was taken Christmas morning in 2013. Bo got a new rope toy. 🙂
Oh how I miss our Bo! 😢
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
Fast and Fleeting
Where did the month go? Wow. It has been days of endless doctor's appointments, therapy, and trying to get school finished before the Christmas holiday sets in. Christmas lights are going up everywhere and decorating has begun. This year has been one heck of a challenge for many and I pray everyone continues on.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sunday Stealing - Thanksgiving
1. What did you do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid? Thanksgiving Day was always celebrated at my Nannie and Papaw's (my mom's parents) house. Everyone would bring a side dish or desert. We would say grace, and then indulge in one of the best ever cooked meals of the year.
2 . What’s your favorite family tradition? Putting up the Christmas Tree! We usually always do it right after Thanksgiving Day. Christmas music has already started playing on some stations and we make a day of decorating and laughing.
3. What’s your favorite way to give back and help others? Giving to certain charities and donating items that I no longer need.
4. Name one person who can make you laugh, even months later. Why? My husband. After suffering a TBI which has led to a medical retirement, he has become a little of a grump butt, but he still manages to find humor and make me laugh. My kids and I are very thankful to have him with us.
5. What is the funniest thing you remember about a Thanksgiving past? Oh my. I wish I had pictures. My grandparents were so funny. They used to do the cutest things and I remember my grandfather tossing a kitchen towel with a turkey on it, and it landed on my grandmother's head. 😊
6. Do you have any unusual traditions, rituals or habits around Thanksgiving? No, I don't think what we do would be considered unusual or a ritual. LOL.
7. What time do you eat your Thanksgiving meal? Normally, our Thanksgiving Day dinner was eaten in the afternoon between 2pm and 4pm, if we were getting together with the entire family. But that last couple of years it has just been us, especially this year, we don't eat until after 6pm, or later.
8. Name one ancestor that you think about on Thanksgiving and tell us why. My Nannie. She always pops into my head during the holidays, especially if we are cooking. She was one of the best cooks in our family and I really miss her. My husband is an AMAZING cook though!
9. Is there a family heirloom at the Thanksgiving table? What its story? Yes, but we haven't used it in a couple of years now. It is a ceramic deviled egg tray that my cousin Susan made for my mom back in 1984. I lost my mom in 2006 and kept this tray.
10. What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving Day? The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and the wonderful FOOD!
11. What is something that was done for you this year that makes you grateful this Thanksgiving? Not exactly done for me but our insurance through JPS finally kicked in and doctor appointments have started to be scheduled! My husband has been able to start yest another process of getting more MRIs and talk about the pending surgeries that he needs.
12. What foods do you usually have for Thanksgiving? If my hubby is cooking - Brined Turkey and Glazed Ham, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, stuffing, sweet baby peas, seasoned corn, buttery rolls, and pumpkin and chocolate pie.
13. How has the celebration of Thanksgiving today changed from when you were little? Oh wow. To say things have changed is an understatement. We used to go to my mom's parents every Thanksgiving when I was little and after we lost her in 1999, we would go to my Aunt Marilyn's (my mom's sister) house. When my Papaw passed away in 2001, that changed. My mom never really hosted Thanksgiving because our house was too small. We also got together with my husband's side of the family on Thanksgiving. Just recently in the last couple of years, we have been staying home and cooking ourselves.
14. If you could share Thanksgiving dinner today with one person in history who would it be? Why? (Note: it can be a relative) My dad. There was so much that didn't get said before he passed away in August of 2016.
15. What is one wish you have for the next generation as they begin to establish their own Thanksgiving traditions? Always be humble and grateful for what you are blessed with. I hope that my kids carry on something from our families with them to keep tradition alive.u is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!promise 5 to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!5 to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!
Saturday, November 14, 2020
The Skylords of MINECRAFT
I have been playing MINECRAFT with my kids and niece since 2016 when they introduced me to the game and to a server called Desired Craft, which had an awesome Jail and Economy server to play on. We are the Skylords on MINECRAFT. A trilogy, as Zeddy calls us, but we are really a "tetralogy". 😊
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
WWW Wednesdays
Time got away from me today. I can't believe it took me two days to finish the book I was reading! Oh my word! 😂
The three W’s stand for:
What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently reading: Wolf of Essex
by Matthew Harffy

Just finished reading: Dawn of Wolves Book#3 The Kingdom of Mercia series by Jayne Castel
What am I reading next? I have yet to decide what I want to read next. We will see where my current read takes me! The Bernicia Chronicles, maybe. 😉
What are you reading at the moment? What did you recently finish?
And what do you wanna read next?