Memorial Day - remember and honor all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Memorial Day - remember and honor all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Game Night from last weekend that I didn't post. LOL! The theme was Asian Inspiration. We started our in Natural Disaster Survival and then ended up in a game called Ragdoll Rumble. Everyone seemed to have a blast in this one. It was absolutely hilarious! It was a great night of fun and lots of games!
Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. Brought to you by Sandee at Comedy Plus! 😀
I haven't participated in a while. Made it today!
Well, I finally got everything fixed and my Google accounts should all be working again. It was kind of sad to try to post on my blog and not be able to get in. I updated both my blog and website today.
Not a whole lot has been going around here. I have just been working and trying to clean up a few things around the house. It looks like all my pictures have arrived so I can now start putting together my daughter's Girl Scout book and Cheer book. I have been planning to do this for quite some time now.
I am so thankful that I found a job where I have weekends off. It allows me to spend time with my family and I can still game with my special peoples! Autcraft's Player of the Week starts at 3 PM, so I have to get ready for that. Stuart and the team have done an awesome job getting the new website up and running. A while back, a troll completely obliterated the website and our community lost our forum and all the posts that had been made for years. Some information was able to be retrieved but because the host is not supporting the site anymore, they refused to help. So, Autcraft had to start over with a completely different host. It is coming along though.
Tonight is Game Night! Both my daughter and I have become Admins and we are excited to change things up a bit. 😊 I will share a few pics later!