Growing up, my mom always made my birthday special, no matter how old I got. I always had a cake, a birthday card, and gifts to open. I have continued this tradition with my own family, but I take it a step further. 😀 Every celebration has some sort of theme for the cake and the gifts. LOL!
This year for my daughter, it was a Venti theme from the game Genshin Impact. Happy 21st Birthday Skye!!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!! 🎄 I am running on fumes. LOL! I think I got maybe two hours of sleep before I heard the not so littles talking downstairs while I am sure browsing through their stockings. We enjoyed some family time opening presents and talking about our new projector and screen that we now have to replace our outdated TV. Afterwards, we hopped on Autcraft to get our presents and advent gifts. By 3pm I was almost falling out of my chair. So I did something that is rare - I took a two hour nap! 😁 My hubby made homemade meatloaf for Christmas dinner and it wa delicious. Tomorrow we celebrate our daughter.
Well, here it is going on 5am in the morning and where am I? Dancing on TTD3! I should be sleeping since Santa has already made his stop. Funny though, now know where Santa is when he takes breaks between delivering gifts!! 😂
We have kinda done everything late this year, from putting out the yard decorations for Christmas to, to decorating the tree. LOL! Our tree has been up for a couple of weeks but we finally got it decorated!!
Tis' the Season to play Fortnite! LOL! It' a wintery wonderland right now and we have been having quite a bit of fun playing as the Candycane Mafia. 😂
Today was heartbreaking to watch. I was in the kitchen around 1 PM having a conversation with my son and daughter about this series that my daughter and I have been watching on Hulu called The Food that Built America. We were discussing the merger between Fritos and Lays when my son's attention was caught by a police car that had pulled up across the street from the corner house diagonally across from us. The officer got out of his vehicle and was looking around the property when another police car showed up. Both officers started looking around the property and then went to the front door. They knocked and knocked. An older couple lived there and had for over 20 years. The more we watched, the more I started thinking this had turned into a welfare check. My husband was still asleep but I woke him up to ask when he had seen the couple last. The man had just taken his flag in the house within the last week, so it had not been that long. My husband got up and dressed and all of us stayed in the kitchen watching out the window. The police finally made entry into the house but almost immediately came back out. The next thing we know FIRE shows up, then MedStar. Something was definitely wrong. 😶
After a few minutes, MedStar pulls away, and then FIRE leaves. A red SUV pulls up and at first we thought it may have been family, but then saw the glint from the sun revealing firearms and badges. Detectives had made the scene. They started walking around the property and speaking with the officers. All of them entered the house gloved up. FIRE comes back and this time a couple of them had on respirators and tanks. Two more vehicles pulled up and when one of the doors opened, it said Tarrant County Sheriff. The other vehicle said medical examiner. They got out and immediately gloved up and stepped inside the house. They came back and out started videoing the property and taking more pictures. This went on for hours with all different scenarios playing through our
heads, but one thing was certain and that our neighbors had been found
deceased. 😔 Another vehicle pulls up and backs into the driveway. When the gurneys were pulled out, a wave of sadness came over me and I shed a few tears. It was heartbreaking to watch for all of us, especially my daughter.