Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday 4 - Tea Parties

Welcome to my first Tuesday 4 the legacy of Toni Taddeo (kept in her honor and memory) and hosted by Annie.

Let's discuss tea parties.

1. Do you invite people over for coffee or tea? Not really. If someone stops by, we do offer drinks, etc. My FIL used to stop by for coffee at least once a month before he moved to Oregon.

2.  Entertaining is a good way to serve others. The bible encourages it in talking about how to be a good person: 

Isaiah 58: "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?" 

Do you entertain often? No. I am more of a 'meet you somewhere' type of person. I have never been much of a hostess. But occasionally, we will have a couple of people over for dinner.

3. What kind of refreshments do you offer to guests? Coffee, cokes, water, etc. If we have it, you will be offered it. 😀

4. Do you enjoy tea and/or coffee? How do you take it? I rarely drink tea, and if I do I prefer it to be unsweet. Yes, I live in the south and I am a true Texan. But, I just can't stomach a lot of sugar these days. COFFEE is my go to. I drink coffee every morning. A little bit of milk, and during the holidays I always have a bottle of pumpkin spice creamer in the fridge. 


  1. Ah, a fellow coffee drinker. I drink mine black but sometimes add chilli syrup for a bit of a boost.

    1. I think the last time I drank my coffee black was when I was in the military and that was years ago. I might have to get bolder and start trying new additions to my coffee. 😉

  2. I love Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice flavored coffee.. just cream, no sugar :) Thank you for joining in!!

    1. Oh yes! I was so bummed when the Dunkin Donuts that was close to us closed! My dad would always go get Dunkin Donuts for us Christmas morning. They have always been my favorite donut place and it was one of my hangouts when I got my first job at the zoo. We used to always go after work for coffee and a donut! 😊
