Birthday celebration!! We had such a great time!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Happy 18th Birthday to my daughter!!

Saturday, December 25, 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Happy Tuesday
Post a funny picture.
Post a not so funny picture.
Post whatever weirdness you want. That’s it.
One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do. So come and join us in Happy Tuesday.
Being happy is a good thing. 😁
Tuesday 4 - Let's discuss Christmas
Welcome Friends ... to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. It's been quite a while since I participated.
2. Got a menu for Christmas Eve and Day? Always a quick breakfast! We have decided to go non-traditional this year - Spaghetti and Meatballs with garlic bread won!
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Autcraft - Hot Chocolate & Pj Party/POTW
Today was the 3rd Annual Hot Chocolate & Pj party on Autcraft. We dressed in our little pjs, grabbed our hot chocolate, and sat on one of the many beds at spawn listening to Christmas music. We also visited Santa! LOL! 😄 It was also our weekly Player of the Week and our build contest winners were announced, too. I would say it was an eventful Saturday!!
Friday, December 17, 2021
Roblox - Game Night
Game Night from last weekend that I didn't post. LOL! Our theme was Steampunk and we had such a good time. It's always fun to play games that we haven't played before.
We are not having Game Night tomorrow night and next weekend is Christmas.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Thankful Thursday
I couldn't tell you the last time I set foot in a church for services to worship, but I do believe in God. I am thankful that he allows me to wake up to my family in the mornings.
Even through the hardest moments when I didn't want to acknowledge him, he has been by my side.
Through this pandemic and my job search that has lasted well over a year. Listening to me complain about every rejection email that I received - I swear he told me to relax and have patience. It took over a month, but I was finally blessed with a job offer working for the state of Texas. When I set out to secure a job for my family I wasn't looking for a title. I almost knew that I would probably not get benefits. I also knew that I would probably be working weekends and different days.
I never thought the job that came my way would be a Monday - Friday job, weekends off, holidays off, full benefits, retirement, and include teleworking. So, today I am so THANKFUL and blessed beyond belief that the hiring specialist that kept in contact with me stepped out on a limb and gave me a chance.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Wordless Wednesday
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday from Sandee at Comedy Plus. It's been a bit since I participated.Things have been a bit hectic around here but I have good news - I finally found a full-time job working for my state!! Yay!
Monday, December 13, 2021
Adventure awaits...
Friday, December 10, 2021
Holiday in the Park
We had a great night at Six Flags Holiday in the Park. The decorations were so colorful and bright. The weather held out and we were able to eat dinner outside. I think we walked the entire park and rode a couple of rides. We ended our night buying smores kits, hot cocoa cups, and a holiday ornament for the tree. 😊
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Urgent Care visit...
Well, my husband found himself driving me to Urgent Care today. I woke up this morning with my left eye watering like crazy. I went back to bed thinking it was just an eyelash that would work its way out. I got up a couple of hours later and my eye was swollen and bright red and it hurt to even move it. I tried looking for foreign objects but I figured I was just making it worse. I put in some eye drops and took some Advil because I had the beginning of a headache.
After a couple more hours, my eye still felt gritty so we headed out to sit for hours. I get worked up so easy these days and I am actually on meds for panic attacks, which I was on the verge of when in triage. My blood pressure spiked and so did my pulse which was reading over 120. We were there for almost two hours before I got called back to a room to wait for another 45 minutes. Finally, the doc arrived and she could definitely see the swelling. I was given some numbing drops and she looked at my eye thoroughly and didn't find anything amiss. She even put that dye in that would make abrasions or tears show up under a black light. Pretty wicked. Whatever it was possibly came out due to all the tears I shed. She gave me a script for antibiotic ointment to put in my eye to prevent infection. If it doesn't get better or worsens, I am to come back and get rechecked. I honestly hope it clears up. We are going to Six Flags for Holiday in the Park this Thursday and I start my new job on the 13th.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Roblox - Game Night
Game Night is always a fun time to just kick back and have a good laugh! Our theme this week was Your Country's Sterotype. 😁
Friday, December 3, 2021
Oh, the shock and excitement...
Add overwhelming to that equation, too! LOL! After a month of processing background checks, references, and getting fingerprinted - I will be starting my training with the DFPS as an APS Administrative Assistant on Monday, December 13th!!
In other words - I finally got a job!!!! 😀