My heart hurts reading about the passing of Technoblade aka Alex. So many Youtube videos of playing Minecraft - Hypixel and the Dream SMP. Wow! Watching his dad talk about his last hours got the tear ducts flowing. My prayers are with his family and friends, and the Minecraft community. Rest in peace Technoblade!! 🐷 We will miss you!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Monday, June 27, 2022
Aww Monday
Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays courtesy of Sandee from Comedy Plus. Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it. One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do. So come and join us in Awww Mondays.
What better way to start off the week than with a smile.

My 'lil Tumble is getting so big!!
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Time ...
Isn't it funny how fast the days and hours just fly by? Monday morning arrives and by the time you realize it, Wednesday presents itself, then Thursday rolls around, and finally it's 5:00 PM on Friday and the weekend is here again. Time. It is something that we feel we do not possess enough of.
As a child, time just dawdles. We go through endless days of school, summer fun, holidays, journeys, etc., and it seems as time seems to last forever. As we grow up and start taking on responsibilities as an adult, time seems to speed up at an alarming pace. Birthdays and holidays pass by in a flash. Time to me, seems almost chaotic. I came across this article published a few years ago about Steve Taylor. He wrote a book back in 2007 called Making Time: Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control it. I have not read this book yet, but I purchased it for $6.99 on my Kindle app. He talks about how our experience of time is flexible, speeding up in certain situations and slowing down in others. He talks about how time seems to be slow for children because they are experiencing new environments and surroundings. The mind processes slower. Everything is unfamiliar and exciting. As we age and get older, we become more familiar with our surroundings and everyday experiences, day to day life sets in and the mind begins to process less information, becoming desensitized to our experiences.
Here lately, I have been feeling like time passes too fast, and that I do not have the time to accomplish goals that I have set. Another reason why my posts have been sporadic. I look back on certain things in life and I get this feeling that I have missed something. My kids are grown and I feel like I have missed out on taking them to places we only talked about and never created the time to do. Time is fleeting. My days seems to be monotonous, and a recreation of the day before. It has created an overwhelming feeling and I know my mental health is suffering from it. The more repetitive my daily schedule is, the more time seems to speed away. Don't get me wrong. We have done quite a few things and enjoyed it. And I absolutely love my new job, and most of the people I work with are amazing. But it is time. Time to put a kink in the day to day. Time to do something different. Time to experience something new with my family. Time to be more creative.

Today I made the time to update my website and this little blog. I have a HUGE list of things that need to be done. Time moves slowly but passes quickly. It's time to stop for a moment.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
To clean or not to clean...
I really do need to make posting a daily habit. I used to tell myself that I was going to do this just so I could go back through posts and remember what I did that week, month, or year. LOL! Yeah, that hasn't panned out for me. Between working full-time now, getting housework and laundry done, hanging with my family, gaming with my kids and friends online, and trying to stay sane - it's 11 pm before I know it and it's time to go to bed and start the day over.
It seems like I have been working Switchboard non-stop, and that is only because Norberto (he makes the Switchboard calendar) put my days towards the end of May and then my days for June the first week. 😮 There are five Admins and all of us work three full days each month on Switchboard, and three one hour days for lunch coverage. One of the CPS Admins swapped a day with me so that helped a bit. But finally - FINALLY I was able to get in our Silver Star Room and go through the many boxes that were just stacked about. DFPS has quite a few resource rooms around our state that are a big help to our Adult Protective Services caseworkers in providing goods to assist their clients. Silver Star Rooms are resource rooms that are set up like a store where caseworkers can find basic necessities and emergency resources vulnerable adults who have been abused and/or neglected. This includes things like dietary supplements, adult diapers, and toiletries. We have an overabundance of so many toiletry items that I think we can start putting together some items for our clients. My supervisor said they did this in the past. Well, I think it's time we brought it back. 😊 Plus, it would rotate out the donations being brought in. I also found 11 boxes of baby wash and shampoo, which I am sending over to CPS side. It took me two days to get everything swapped around and organized. My supervisors even decided to help me out the last few hours while we were waiting for our commissioner, who ended up not being able to visit. I think we did a pretty good job! Still have a bit of work re-arranging on shelves to do but at least you can walk inside the door now. LOL!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Justice served...