I am so bad at this blogging thing. LOL! I may, or may not, get better. 😁 I have just been trying to get things situated here at the house and working. Since we lost our forth Admin, it has been back to two weeks of routing every other month and we have been swamped with cases lately. My workers just can't seem to get a break.
But what has really kept me busy is my decision to dive into our family history. After coming across some of those old photos of my mom again, it bothers me that I don't know who some people are. So, I have been spending time building a family tree on Ancestry. And the information that I have been able to verify is mind-boggling. From Mennonites to the Jacobite Rebellion, lost titles and imprisonment, to two and three wives and half siblings - it has been absolutely entertaining and interesting. Gotta love history! 😊

Happy to see someone else enjoying filling in Ancestry info. It's like a big puzzle and fulfills my curiosity seeking mind. Combined with newspaper . com you can find even more stuff! So much fun. Technology is great. :-). Have fun!