Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Will it rain? Will it snow?

I live in Texas and do not know! 😂 Well, we were supposed to have snow flurries and some weather come through, but I guess it just wanted to rain. 

I worked remote today and I work remote tomorrow. I was supposed to have a staff meeting today but they canceled it due to the inclement weather we were supposed to have. It's my week to route cases but thankfully it has slowed down from last week. I was able to get caught up on some paperwork and process some service authorizations for workers. I am in the process of making new labels for the cubicles. I am trying to make things look a bit more professional in my area. No more handmade signs. It is too easy to use a nice font, print it out, and laminate items these days. 



  1. Gotta love it when the weather works in your favor to catch up on things and get organized. I miss that here in NC. Seems like every day I need to be outside :-) ~ The Ts Mom Brenda

    1. Yes! It definitely made me feel like I got something accomplished. :)

  2. Y'all have really had some strange and scary weather lately!

    1. That we have. LOL! Never know what to wear around here! Leave without your coat, and wish you had taken it!
