Happy Friday and I am so glad that it's the weekend. 😌 Not that I don't enjoy my job, but it has been an absolute emotional and mentally exhausting week. My sweet not-to-little girl has had a pretty bad week. Her anxiety levels spiked so high this week. In it's wake creating a mental meltdown causing her to not be able to sleep and just feel absolutely miserable. This happened back during Christmas as well and we felt that it was the expectation of the holidays and her birthday that led up to it. She has been with MHMR for the last couple of years starting out at the youth center, in therapy but was transferred to the adult services side when she turned 18. The problem is that while she may be legally considered an adult, she is still very child-like in the sense due to her Autism. She excels academically well above her age level, but on a peer and social level, definitely a younger age. Add GAD and a possible diagnosis of OCD, and you can have a major train that veers off course constantly. She is not comfortable making life decisions on her own and it has put us in a bind as parents. While she is capable of making decisions, it is probably best that we seek at least medical power of attorney, and only guardianship as a last resort. I was literally trying to schedule an appointment for her while at work and since I needed her consent, I was unable to do so. She can make her own choices but she always seeks confirmation and assurance.
So, needless to say, this week has been mentally challenging and I routed cases all week, too. We also had a Silver Star Party this week. We had refreshments and put together goodie bags for the workers to give out to their clients. I have a three day weekend to enjoy since Monday will be a holiday for me. I am going to kick back and play some games with my not-so-little kiddos. We might even have a movie night. I am a bit bummed that I left my Kindle at work though. So sad. I was hoping to catch up on my reading. 😐 Oh well, maybe I can read online. LOL!

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