Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Linking up with Brian at Brian's Home for Thankful Thursday and posting about what we are thankful for. 

Today I was working the front desk and it was very slow this morning, so I pulled out my Kindle Fire and started the series I have been wanting to read. Between chapters, I was answering email and running TIERS reports, along with answering the phone. I took lunch about 12:30 and came back to chaos. Wow. 😮 Six people were standing in the lobby. My relief was so happy to see me only to be told that both of us needed to man the desk and be ready to call 9-1-1. In my line of work this is common. Although I work the adult services side, I still encounter the little ones that are coming into the office, or the parents. Today was one of those days. It's never easy when children are removed from a home. It's hard on the parents and it's extremely hard on the child(ren). I am THANKFUL for the amazing and wonderful supervisors that work for my agency that have the fortitude, compassion, and empathy to be able to calm a situation down. I work alongside some wonderful people. 

And here is a picture of my cat. LOL! Happy Thankful Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty stressful job but it sounds like you got through everything just fine. Such a pretty kitty. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
