It's Friday and I have a three day weekend! This week flew by and not without a couple surprises, the first being that we have lost another admin. Yep, last week I found out that Erica's last day is May 31st. She was one of the CPS admins that I worked the front desk with. This Wednesday I opened a 'Thank You email from Jasmin, who was one of our PA Admins, telling all of us that is was a pleasure working with us this past year and that it was her official last day. Wow. 😦 Well, that opens up the Admin III position again. One that I will not find myself applying for, even if it does mean a raise in pay. The job also entails traveling to all staff meetings across the region, and is a good 40+ minute drive from where I live.
Nope. The pay raise would not justify what we would be spending in gas. I say we because my husband takes me to work and picks me up, plus we get to meet for lunch. We only have one vehicle at this time, so I will have to pass on this one. Plus, I enjoy only being 10 minutes tops from my current office location.
Second surprise - I heard from my girl Kinna!!! I had heard my personal phone ping but got sidetracked. When I was opening up my app to put on some music, I saw a text message. Now, she didn't give me her personal number so I had no idea who it was until I opened it up and saw the pics!! She had sent me a few pics of her in Greece and Italy. She sent me a few videos as well, and one when they were on a tour bus passing the Colosseum! Pure awesomeness!
She said her and her husband had an amazing time, both on the ship and touring. She said the history is just phenomenal. Yep, I am a bit envious. LOL! She had only been at her new job a week before she was headed on vacation that had already been booked for over a year. I was so happy to hear from her and it made my afternoon texting back and forth.
Pet City release this week was Ancient Greece. How funny!!!

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