I know technology is continuously advancing, and to an extent, it's great. But I WILL NEVER like this part of it. Computers cannot replace all people!!!

I don't have many choices for lunch that is not going to break our budget, so we visit McDonald's quite often. I also like the huge table we can sit at while I work because I bring my laptop. Last week when the hubby and I visited McDonald's, the employee's were sending customers to the kiosks to order. The reason - they were short-staffed. That day, we stood at the counter and waited for a cashier, and so did several others. Afterward, we watched as the employees and shift lead behind the counter were laughing and trying to pop each other with a towel. Yet, you are so short-staffed to take orders at the counter?? 😐
Today, we walk in to a sign on the counter that reads, "Please use the kiosks to order". So, hubby hands me the wipes and I got our table while he places the order. Then he had to walk back to the counter and stand for a few minutes to wait on someone to come over to the counter to hand us our cups for our drinks. Hmm. It took them longer to get our food to our table than normal. No ketchup or mustard. He went back up to the counter to wait for that, too. Then I asked my hubby for the receipt and the kiosk didn't print one, so I went up to the counter this time to ask for a receipt. I had to wait for someone to come back to the counter for that, which was the manager. I asked if I could get a receipt for our kiosk order and he looked a bit shocked. Yes, I like a receipt for anything and everything purchased. It took a few minutes for him to find it to print. I then politely told him that because we had to order from the kiosk, and then make numerous trips back to the counter to wait on an employee, that it had 15 minutes of my hour lunch and I was not happy about it. The sign was removed from the counter as we were leaving, and a line had formed at the counter.
Not everyone likes these kiosks, especially those people who pay with cash. Not everyone is privileged to have a bank account or credit card, and while most kiosks say you can pay with cash, the person has to get back in line to give that cash to the cashier. How is this faster?? It's not and it's wrong on so many levels. And if you are going to make me order at a kiosk, then your establishment needs to provide all the condiments, napkins, cups, etc., within reach and not have to keep asking for them.
We are traveling a fast path like the movie Wall-E and that was not a good outcome. 😬
Nope, not a fan of any of that self-service crap, sorry, I'm not doing your work for you unless I get an employee discount.