Welcome December and holy cow - Christmas is right before us!!! It's been 84 years since I posted. 😁 I finally updated my website and blog. My family is feeling better thankfully. I was feeling under the weather for weeks and my cough just lingered. We did get another possible diagnosis - RSV. Yeah, what the littles get. Anyway, I am just glad that we are all finally feeling well and can gear up for Christmas.

We didn't do much for Thanksgiving this year since we were all feeling blah. We didn't even cook a turkey. LOL. We had glazed ham, homemade mac n cheese, and a few other sides. We stayed at home and just chilled. I have done a bit of shopping online and we are really behind on getting stuff done. Hopefully we can get the tree up and decorated. T mowed the yard and my husband finally got the outside outlet replaced so we can get our yard decorations out and some lights up on the house. I really need to look into how much it would cost to have someone else put the lights on the house. I know their are companies and even individuals that do this, but we have never priced it. My hubby has no business even being on a ladder these days. My son helps out as much as he can. I almost have heart failure when attempting to get on a ladder. 😮
Dang, RSV, I'm sure glad to hear that you're feeling better.