The first week of January has been very busy indeed! I have been pulling out bins and trying to go through all sorts of stuff that I have kept over the decades. How does one acquire so much? 😳 I have already thrown out two full trash bags worth of old cards and papers. I have bins of school work that I have kept for both kids from Pre-K through HS graduation. Four bins! I don't know whether to make physical copies of memory books, or just go for digital. With technology ever advancing, digital would seem the way to go. I did find the pictures of one of the many dollhouses that my grandfather made.

But sometimes technology and storage devices fail. I remember years back, I had been paying annually to have these wonderful online photo albums. Some photos that I had in these albums were lost because the CD that they were stored on became ruined. It was $40.00 a year and I had them for several years. It was how I could share photos with family and friends, especially those that were not close. Then one day I received an email that the company was closing and the services would no longer be available. When I tried to download my photos, I got a pop up saying that I needed to pay my annual fee. Your company is no longer going to offer services for these photo albums, but you expect me to still pay? I think not!! I lost those pictures and I have never depended on anything online again.
Putting together photo albums can be tedious and I have several already from when my kids were little. They also take up quite a bit of shelf space, which I do not have. I am already putting together memory books for my daughter's days in Girls Scouts and Cheer. Decisions, decisions.
That's awful you lost the pics, I would not be a happy camper at all.