Linking up with Sandee at Comedy Plus Wordless Wednesday

Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus. Join us every Monday
for Awww...Mondays, and post a picture that makes you say Awww - that's it!
My family and I were at Six Flags yesterday and these guys were out. LOL! I ❤️ Moo Moos!
Welcome to Sunday Stealing - hosted by Bev Sykes. Thanks for the questions each week, Bev!!
It's been a while since I participated.
Getting to know you...
1. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? I am not really a fan of surprises. I am the type of person that wants to know what to expect. I don't like unexpected visits or surprise parties, meetings, etc. Now, gifts ... that is different.
2. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? That all depends on my mood. LOL! There are days where I just want to kick back and curl up with my book and listen to classical music. Then I have days when I can chill for hours playing games with my kids or watching a movie or two. Not too keen on visiting relatives right now.
3. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Oh wow. I would love to vacation in both Hawaii and Alaska! I would love to see the beautiful waters and beaches in Hawaii, and the snow-capped mountains in Alaska. My in-laws took an Alaskan cruise one year and the pictures they took were absolutely gorgeous.
4. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? I think I would rather win the lottery. A perfect job would be nice, too. Money doesn't equate to happiness, but at least you would be able to buy the things you need. Since my husband had to medically retire, things have been a bit tough around here.
5. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? I know most will find this crazy, but I would 💙 to go back to 8th/9th century (801 AD-900 AD). I have always been fascinated by The Vikings, Saxon England, etc.
6. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Water. I will actually panic if I do not have a bottle of water close by.
7. How many pairs of shoes do you own? LOL. I literally own only three pairs of shoes. My running shoes, a pair of sandals, and a pair of tan canvas slip ons.
8. What would you do if you won the lottery? Move to Maine, buy a house, a brand new car, and enjoy the many new adventures that would come.
9. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Um, I prefer to drive myself, or let hubby drive.
10. What's your favorite zoo animal? Elephants! I absolutely love these amazing creatures!
Rasha (Asian Elephant) painting at the Fort Worth Zoo |
12. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. I only have two pillows.
13. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Probably when my husband was hospitalized after his Traumatic Brain Injury. He was in ICU for two days, then moved to a room for a couple of more. I caught a few 💤 here and there, but I know it was over 48 hours those first few days.
14. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Years ago, my sister took me to Reunion Tower in Dallas, Texas.
15. What are your hobbies? I am an avid reader of historical fiction and romance, love gaming, and researching history. I don't watch much TV, but there are a few series that I keep up with - The Last Kingdom, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and Cobra Kai.
I just came across Comedy Plus and they have some fantastic blog hops, so I thought I would join in!!
The Crazy Hairball! 😆
Gosh, they were so little!!! Hard to believe they are 19, 21, and 17 now.
Munching on chips and salsa after a day of swimming.
Today the Minecraft server that we play on is celebrating 8 years! Congratulations and THANK YOU AutismFather for creating the best server for us to play on!
Here's to several more years Autcraft!
I cannot believe that in two months, my little girl will be graduating from High School! It is pretty surreal to sit and think about it. 💗 I will be ordering her cap and gown, as well as her diploma in a couple of weeks. Wow. Just wow. From December 2007 to December 2020, she sure has grown up into a beautiful young lady!!!
Welcome to Tuesday 4
(the legacy of Toni Taddeo kept in her honor and memory).
Thanks to Annie for today's four questions!
1. Do you have a favorite movie to recommend? Hmm, I do have quite a few favorites. I love historical movies and animated movies. James Cameron's TITANIC is my all time favorite, and A Night to Remember. I have always been a RMS Titanic enthusiast since I was a little girl. Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen are two favorites as well. To name a few others: Jurassic Park, Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Marvel, etc. I also enjoy any John Wayne movies!🤠
2. Do you have a schedule for your day or do you wing it? Well, since I am not working at the moment due to my foot, we don't really have a set schedule at this time so I guess you can say we "wing it". Between doctors appointments and therapy appointments, we have been going to Six Flags a few times a week. My hubby and I decided to invest in memberships for the family and we have been going out to the park to exercise and enjoy a few rides here and there. My hubby cannot ride most of the rides due to a TBI he suffered a few years back, but he has been enjoying himself.
3. What are you eating/cooking lately? My hubby loves to cook, and we cook out a lot, especially if it is hot and we live in Texas. 🔥 Chicken, steak, brisket, ribs, hamburgers - you name it! We are also grabbing a meal or two when we head out to Six Flags for the day since we added Deluxe Dining passes to our memberships. This has indeed paid off tenfold!
4. Do you surf on your computer? Tell us about it, won't you? I am always surfing the web! From scrolling through Facebook to see what some of my friends from around the world are up to, reading articles that catch my attention, Netflix, Disney+, and also playing games. I play A LOT of games either by myself, or with my kiddos.
It has been a while since I done questions for Tuesday 4. I keep missing my Tuesdays and figure I will catch the next week, then forget again. 🤪 Oops!
My kids and I just recently started playing this game again. LOL! The Legend of Pirates Online is based off of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean game that closed in 2013. This is my character that I named after Grace O'Malley. 😁
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, and to this AMAZING man that I call Hubby!! ❤️
He has been through so much in the last several years after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury. Surgery after surgery, having to medically retire from work, filing for Social Security Disability - and he still gets up every day in pain and manages to be here for our family.
So, I share quite a few of the same viewpoints with Scott Cawthon, and YES - I am a Conservative REPUBLICAN. I did vote for Donald Trump, and I would do so again.
But just because my views or my political candidates do not align with yours does not mean I don't like you as a person or respect you. Your choices are your choices, just like my choices are mine.
I can't believe that I am raising my kids in a world where people HATE other people because they believe a certain way, or vote a certain way. I am a gamer, and I play lots of games. I never really got into the Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) games, but my daughter was a HUGE fan of both the games and the books.
What happened to Scott should be illegal. 😔 Cancel Culture sucks!!!
It's been eight years since we have had any type of Season Pass. LOL! So, when my son started talking about Six Flags memberships and paying monthly, I was a bit intrigued. I mean, $240 for four Season Passes, plus a parking pass, is a chunk of money to drop. Especially when you have find something to eat and drink all day while you are there. Drink cups can be purchased, but that's another $80 to tack on.
Lets talk about memberships. You have to commit to one year. They have Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Diamond Elite and VIP. We decided to go with Diamond Elite and tack on a Dining Deluxe pass to it. We paid $181.00, ($80 of this being deposits). The monthly fee will be around $100.00 a month. Considering how much my gaming passes and website cost, this is nothing. This membership gives us the advantage of parking in Preferred Parking (reservation required and at the front of the park), unlimited drinks all day while we visit, a 50% discount on almost everything in the park, two skip the lines passes per visit, 2 digital photos, etc. We also get to basically eat free with our Deluxe Dining pass, which is awesome! We get two meals and a snack every visit. We went and ate BBQ the other night and it would have cost us over $60, but we paid $0. Yes, this membership has already paid for itself, and we have only been three times!
My family hardly EVER gets to do anything. It's time that changed.