Monday, January 29, 2024

Crazy night

I had to take the day off work since I didn't get to bed well past 4 am. Last night disaster decided to slap us. 😕 The Hubby had headed up the street to the laundromat to dry our sheets and comforters, T and Skye were chilling in her room talking about Genshin, and I was just kicking back watching my show - BAM!!! I start hearing water. I look over and see water raining down all over our Christmas tree and ricocheting off our little fridge in the den. 😳 Then I hear it. GUSHING WATER! 💦 I sprinted up the stairs so fast and water is just saturating the carpet. I couldn't get the dang levers to twist to turn the water off and the steam was crazy since it was the hot water side. Of course by now the kids hear me screaming and probably cursing as I am running back down the stairs to grab my phone to call my hubby to tell him that he needs to get home now and I'm telling Tanner to follow me as I grab Sally and head out to try to turn the water off at the street. OMG!!! I was in a freaking panic because I had to literally dig the mud out of the water meter just to find my bar to turn. I guarantee my blood pressure was through the roof. Hubby made it back to the house. I got the water turned off just as hubby was racing into the driveway. Now the fun begins.

The upstairs laundry area flooded and leaked through the ceiling down into the den soaking the carpet here as well. My husband and son got the washer pulled out and inspected it, and the hot water hose completely snapped. It looks like the washer is headed out just like the dryer, and we will be headed to Roy's for a bit. Lord knows we can't afford to buy both a washer and dryer. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday Blessings - online worship


Oh, Your grace so freeWashes over meYou have made me newNow life begins with YouIt's your endless lovePouring down on usYou have made us newNow life begins with You!


Magnificent Century

Gotta find some humor in this crazy world we live in and I am absolutely loving this show!! Simbul Agha has become a favorite and he cracks me up constantly!! Now, Gul Aga has re-joined the harem and these two at it is absolutely freaking hilarious!!! 😂

You have click play and go to Youtube to view.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Stand with Texas

As a former soldier for the US Army and the TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD, you peeps out there that support this mockery of an administration and vote blue need some serious help. I have no idea how in the hell you can support and uphold everything that is happening in our country and be okay with it!
Learn your history. We have already had one Civil war on American soil, the North against South, but this time - THIS TIME its going to be between the states against our government, and Texas may lead it.
HELL NO to federalizing ANY state military!!! Every state has the right to defend themselves. I have never in my life seen so many people so hell bent on destroying this nation.
I hope all states rise up and stand with Texas!!!! We already have half!! 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Happy 7th Birthday to the cutest Hippo!!! 🥳🥗 Hard to believe she only weighed in at 29 lbs and was a preemie!!! She is the smallest known hippo to survive this low of a birth weight and now weighs over 2,100 lbs!!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Too many!!!

I have literally been working on this all day after services this morning. Oh my gosh! I am still not done! 😁


Sunday, January 21, 2024

DDV DreamSnaps - Arendelle Showcase

This weeks Disney Dreamlght photo challenge:

[DECOR CHALLENGE] Transport yourself to Arendelle! Decorate your Valley with Frozen-inspired designs. 


Sunday Blessings - online worship

Online service was great today!!  We had a pastor all the way from Oxford Presbyterian in England - Rev. Andy Young - visit us! It was an excellent message and I so needed it!

And I could listen to Justin play the sax all day!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Tears today

I was devastated to learn of a friend's unexpected and sudden passing from his dad today. 😔 He lived in Ramsey, Isle of Man and was only 43 years old. So young! It's been over twenty years since I signed up to be a member of a Titanic site that would lead me to a group of people, mostly across the pond, that shared my interest in the RMS Titanic. We would all hit the forums and post daily. There was a specific area called Cafe Parisien that was for the TT community and this is where we became friends. To name a few - Andy (moderator), Rose, Jo, Clayton, Matthew, Lynnet, Steven, Braniff, Hafizia, and I am sure there were a few others. So many years ago!!! So many memories. We lost Steven several years ago. My husband and I had planned a meet up to go eat lunch one weekend. It was to be us, Steven and Braniff. We were going to meet at Bennigan's. Then news comes to us that Steven had been in a car accident and didn't make it. We never got to meet for lunch. The site is no longer and Andy went on to do other things. A few of us managed to reconnect via Facebook and have kept in contact since.

Needless to say, the things I thought I was going to get done today didn't get done. My heart has been heavy. Matthew and I were messaging back and forth after the Texas Rangers won the World Series. That was an awesome day. We messaged after Christmas and he was sharing his statistics for rugby.  When the Dallas Cowboys lost, he immediately started in with the crazy memes. LOL! He was so smart and funny. Autism was something that Matthew and my daughter had in common and he was amazing with stats!!! I am going to miss his messages.



It's hard to process. I have so many people that I have met online through the years that I call friends. Probably more so than in real life, actually. Prayers and condolences to my friend's family in this time of need. May God keep you all and comfort you. 💗


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Sleepy Kitty

I am working from home today and my little Tumble decided to take a nap. So, here I am trying to quietly work on getting my PCS reports finished. LOL! 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

DDV DreamSnaps - Winter's here!

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[OUTFIT CHALLENGE] Brrr! Time to bundle up and share your warmest winter fashions. 


Monday, January 15, 2024

First snowfall

Look who slept in today!!! 😊 I stayed up reading until 3:30am and didn't get out of bed until after 10:30am. After feeding Tumble, I looked outside and we actually got SNOW. ❄ LOL!


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Late Christmas get-together

This afternoon we got together with my hubby's side of the family for a little late Christmas shindig. His brother and his wife came into town from San Antonio. Their kids didn't make it in with their families. 🎄 Some tasty food from Spring Creek BBQ and some sides. I always loved their rolls. Thanks so much for all the presents!!! 🎁 It was great getting together and seeing everyone!! Maybe it won't be so long next time. 😙 We will see I suppose. Sometimes it is so hard getting together, especially when everyone has their own families now. All the nieces are married, and most have kiddos.
This is my husband's amazing mother (Mom II is what I call her), with her kiddos - my husband (left) with his twin sister Nat, and baby sis and bro, Darla and Ronnie. They are twins, too! Yes, two sets of twins. LOL! I must have missed pictures, and yes, I 'jacked' this photo. 😂


Friday, January 12, 2024


Went shopping at Target for this family get together we are having tomorrow and came across these. Talk about nostalgia! I remember playing with the original Spirograph, which I believe came out in the late 60s, at my Nana and Pops house on weekends. MLP fan and loved all my ponies, especially Cotton Candy! Although after my time, Gen 4 will always rule! And Pound Puppies were so adorable! This was one of the little ones. I saw a few other slots for Etch a Scetch and Viewmaster, which I guess were out of stock. LOL! 
Love seeing some of the toys we grew up with hit store shelves again!! 😊

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Game Time - Genshin Impact

One admin meeting for the month down. Whew! It was definitely a day. Tomorrow morning I have to compose an email to send out to my workers to let them know about some policy changes that went into effect in November. But now - I am going to chill and play me some Genshin!! Paimon here I come! I think Paimon has to be my favorite!! 😊


DDV DreamSnaps - Out of the Toybox

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[DECOR CHALLENGE] To DreamSnaps -- and beyond! Decorate your Valley with decorations inspired by Toy Story. 


Sunday, January 7, 2024


Got together with family tonight and celebrated 🍻 our niece, Baily, on her recent college graduation from UNT, along with some great conversation and food at Mellow Mushroom! Awesomeness!! It was nice getting to see everyone and catch up a bit. 😊 Hope to get together again soon!!! Don't let me be a stranger. LOL! I say this to my family because we haven't seen each other in years.

Sunday Blessings - worship



 Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

a time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;

a time to kill, and a time to heal;

a time to break down, and a time to build up;

a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

It's Friday!

Happy Friday! What year is it? Well, according to me for the last three days, it's still 2023. I can apparently WRITE 2024, but I cannot TYPE 2024. Yeah. Me today, having to go back and change the date on my Excel routing log for 112 cases. 😅

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

What a crazy day!

Today was the first holiday routing week that started off crazy and kicked my hiney! 😂 LOL! In the almost two years that I have been routing cases, today was overdrive! Add training a new admin on top of that. But I prevailed. I didn't log off my laptop until after 5:30pm, but I managed to get what needed to be done finished.


DDV DreamSnaps - A Day at Disney

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[OUTFIT CHALLENGE] What would YOU wear to visit your favorite Disney park? Put together a parks-ready look! 


Monday, January 1, 2024

Hello January!

It's time for change.



A New Year Prayer

Happy 2024!! Can you believe another year has passed? I have so much I want to achieve that I honestly do not know where to begin!! LOL! 😃 I may have to start making better lists to accomplish goals. 


Happy New Year!

Cheers to 2024! Tonight we kicked back at the house, just like all our New Years Eve's the last several years. My hubby made a ham, white rice, cornbread and some veggies. We poured some sparking cider and toasted the new year. Well wishes to all for a blessed year!!!