Valentine’s Day 💟 is coming up! Here’s our story:
How did you guys meet? First time in 1994, while we were both working at Billy Bob's Texas. Second time, while working at Yellow Cab in 1997.
First date? He took me to Billy Bob's Texas. 😁
Who was interested first? First time, me. Second time, him. 😊
Who is taller? Definitely him.
Who said I love you first? Him. 💓
Most impatient? Um, that would be me.
Most sensitive? Me again.
Loudest? Definitely me!
Most stubborn? Stubbornness runs on his side of the family. 😅
Falls asleep first? Most definitely me!
Cooks better? I would say he does. He actually loves to cook.
Better morning person? That would be me. 😂
Better driver? That goes to him. I do not like driving anymore.
Most competitive? Him.
Who is the funniest? He's the funny one.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We used to go to Edelweiss, but they closed.
Who is more social? I would say he used to be more social. Neither of us like people much these days. 😜
Who is the neat freak? I used to hold that title. I don't know what happened.
Who plans date nights? We don't really do "date" night.
Who picks where you go to eat? We will both decide.
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? 😄
Who has more tattoos? He has two. I have zero.
Who sings better? I would say him.
Spends the most? Um, well, probably me. I blame Amazon.
When did you start talking? November 1997
Started Dating? January 1998 👫
Engaged? September 1998 💍
Married? September 1999 👰
Post a picture of you and your Valentine 💕

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