The Little Mermaid has always been my absolute favorite Disney Princess movie. I was so happy to finally unlock Ariel!

The Little Mermaid has always been my absolute favorite Disney Princess movie. I was so happy to finally unlock Ariel!
Some of the quests in this game are simple, while others actually take days to complete and I think I found my first one. I came across this sock on Dazzle Beach and I have to give it to Donald.
Happy Sunday! I got up and dressed, fed Tumble, and hopped online to attend service with the church I follow. It has been six months since I started following FWPC and I feel I am so blessed to have found them. Great sermon this morning with two little ones being baptized today.
Well, I decided to go ahead and purchase the newest game that Disney released a few months ago. It's called Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Skye and I got it on Steam, and T got it on Switch. Right now it's early access only. Disney Dreamlight Valley is a hybrid between a life-sim and an adventure game rich with quests, exploration, and engaging activities featuring Disney and Pixar friends, both old and new. The graphics are pretty amazing and the overall game itself it quite entertaining and fun to play. You can definitely tell there are areas for additions to be added.
Happy Friday All! Saturday is actually in just a few minutes and I haven't been on most of the week. It has been a slow week, but one of those weeks regardless. I routed cases this week and the amount of service authorizations I have processed is going to make me have to add extra rows to my PCS Report this month. Wow. Just wow.
The weekend is here and I have cleaning to do! Yay! 😂 We put together a new baker's rack/microwave cart for the kitchen. I will be moving it up there this weekend.
I live in Texas and do not know! 😂 Well, we were supposed to have snow flurries and some weather come through, but I guess it just wanted to rain.
I worked remote today and I work remote tomorrow. I was supposed to have a staff meeting today but they canceled it due to the inclement weather we were supposed to have. It's my week to route cases but thankfully it has slowed down from last week. I was able to get caught up on some paperwork and process some service authorizations for workers. I am in the process of making new labels for the cubicles. I am trying to make things look a bit more professional in my area. No more handmade signs. It is too easy to use a nice font, print it out, and laminate items these days.
Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays.
Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.
Thanks Sandee!
I am so bad at this blogging thing. LOL! I may, or may not, get better. 😁 I have just been trying to get things situated here at the house and working. Since we lost our forth Admin, it has been back to two weeks of routing every other month and we have been swamped with cases lately. My workers just can't seem to get a break.
But what has really kept me busy is my decision to dive into our family history. After coming across some of those old photos of my mom again, it bothers me that I don't know who some people are. So, I have been spending time building a family tree on Ancestry. And the information that I have been able to verify is mind-boggling. From Mennonites to the Jacobite Rebellion, lost titles and imprisonment, to two and three wives and half siblings - it has been absolutely entertaining and interesting. Gotta love history! 😊
Happy Tuesday! Post a funny picture. Post a not so funny picture.
Post whatever weirdness you want. That’s it.
January is human trafficking prevention month!
I am definitely happy to see this pass in our city and I hope other's follow suit. I cannot tell you how many cases we have that are self-reported, or called in by EMS, to boarding homes like this that call themselves "group homes". Some of the conditions that my workers have walked into are absolutely horrid. Our elderly are being taken advantage of in a lot of these cases often using their entire social security check to pay for a room in a three bedroom house that has four or five other beds in the same room.
Fort Worth to regulate boarding homes after officials find poor living conditions
I spent the majority of the day going through old photos, and the ones my mom had of her. They were in a photo album at one time but started to fall out, so I boxed them up. Today, I finally decided to go through a few of them. Some of the photos she had cut into circles but I fixed that with a collage. They are not the best quality but still very special.
My awesome husband put some meat out on the grill and we whipped up some mac n cheese for kiddos. Spent the rest of the night playing Wizard101 fighting gobblers. 😁
The first week of January has been very busy indeed! I have been pulling out bins and trying to go through all sorts of stuff that I have kept over the decades. How does one acquire so much? 😳 I have already thrown out two full trash bags worth of old cards and papers. I have bins of school work that I have kept for both kids from Pre-K through HS graduation. Four bins! I don't know whether to make physical copies of memory books, or just go for digital. With technology ever advancing, digital would seem the way to go. I did find the pictures of one of the many dollhouses that my grandfather made.
But sometimes technology and storage devices fail. I remember years back, I had been paying annually to have these wonderful online photo albums. Some photos that I had in these albums were lost because the CD that they were stored on became ruined. It was $40.00 a year and I had them for several years. It was how I could share photos with family and friends, especially those that were not close. Then one day I received an email that the company was closing and the services would no longer be available. When I tried to download my photos, I got a pop up saying that I needed to pay my annual fee. Your company is no longer going to offer services for these photo albums, but you expect me to still pay? I think not!! I lost those pictures and I have never depended on anything online again.
Putting together photo albums can be tedious and I have several already from when my kids were little. They also take up quite a bit of shelf space, which I do not have. I am already putting together memory books for my daughter's days in Girls Scouts and Cheer. Decisions, decisions.
Cheers to a New Year! 🎊 The New Year is like a blank page in a book and we hold the pen. It is your opportunity to write a new chapter or story. Happy New Year wishes and many blessings!
We took my mother-in-law to Six Flags to see Holiday in the Park and celebrate with fireworks. We had a fantastic time and it was the first time she had ever been to Six Flags when they decorate for Christmas.
Happy New Year!!