Sunday, December 31, 2023

Roblox - TTD3 Happy New Year

 Happy New Year!!! TTD3 updated for the New Year!!! 🎇

Autcraft - Happy New Year

Hopped on Autcraft early to bring in the new year with our other Skylord who lives in the UK! 😀 Happy New Year to our friends across the pond!!! 🎊

New Year's Eve celebration takes places every hour on the hour with fireworks until everyone has brought in the New Year. This event is done with so much love because there are quite a few children, and adults, that cannot celebrate with fireworks because of sensory overload, etc. This Minecraft server really is special!!!

Friday, December 29, 2023


It's FRIDAY and I have a three day weekend ahead! 😀 We only had a three day work week this week, but it kicked my butt!! Dealing with clients coming into the office and some even refusing to leave. Others trying to take our posters down and wall plaques saying they want a copy. Anxiety over routing and because some just can't get their crap together!! Ugh! I honestly didn't log off my laptop until almost 6pm because I had a course that I had to take by Dec 31st. I was going to take the time to complete it but was called to the conference room to notarize and sign documents. Yep. Weekend ready here!


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

DDV DreamSnaps - Holiday Cheer

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[DECOR CHALLENGE] Spread a little holiday cheer as you decorate your Valley. 


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

20 years!!

Happy 20th Birthday to my awesome beautiful daughter!!! I remember all the years pushing you in your stroller and look how fast time has passed! We are so proud of the caring and kindhearted young lady that you have grown up to be! 😊 We love you lots sweetie!! Keep being YOU!!! 😍

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!!!

As the day starts to fade, I hope each and every one of you had a very special, blessed day!! We celebrated a bit later than our usual norm around here, but we enjoyed a special day at our house. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our family & friends! 🎄 Here's a few fam pics and one I just had to share, which I didn't show off because it was before Christmas when I received it, and the first ornament on our tree. My niece painted this ornament for me with my favorite mob on MINECRAFT. So cute!!! Plus, my sweet daughter was creating with AI and this pic was imagined. Wow! I absolutely love it!! My favorite time of year, my favorite flower, and my favorite cat. 😁 What a shame my cat is not this sweet. 😂 I did not get my Christmas cards mailed out this year, but there is always next year! LOL! It's still a tradition of mine and I love sending out cards.

P.S. - Yes, I collage everything. Phototastic Collage is awesome! LOL!


Christmas traditions

It's that time of year!!! Kicking back with my amazing daughter and watching these two Christmas classics!!!

Autcraft - Christmas Village

Every year AF adds to the Christmas Village and has a new advent calendar. We get goodies through the month of December and then on Christmas day, we get the Autcraft Christmas sword and a present from under the tree. It's quite fun and a great event for those that don't have plans that day, especially for those with special needs who cannot handle all of the craziness.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Autcraft - Twas the Night Before Christmas

Attending Autcraft's Christmas event. Every year we log on in our pjs and sit on a little bed to little to Bessie read Twas the Night Before Christmas story. It's quite fun and we get a shulker box full of Christmas goodies!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Autcraft - POTW

At POTW (player of the week) celebrating Skye's Birthday week. Looks like we got stuck in the ground here in this pic. 😄

Friday, December 22, 2023

To Play, or Not to Play...

A few years ago, I had downloaded and installed this game called Genshin Impact. It's a beautifully made game, with the most amazing music and graphics, but I ended up uninstalling it when a particular fight game me so much grief. My son downloaded and installed it, and enjoyed it so much that he talked my daughter into installing it. LOL! They have both been playing for the last month or so and have been trying to get me to re-install it and play. It's not exactly a multiplayer game but it does have a co-op option to invite others players to your world. 

So, I decided to re-install it and start playing again. My so is very strategic and very into any game he starts playing. He loves delving into the lore of any game. Of course that fight that stalled me - it ended up being very easy once he told me that the trail character that was in my group was the key. 😄

Thursday, December 21, 2023

It's Winter!

Happy First Day of the Winter solstice! I know some of you out there are getting that white fluffy stuff, but not here in Texas. We rarely see a White Christmas. 😊

Today my unit had a meeting and our Christmas get together. We ordered pizza and had a Secret Santa gift exchange. I drew my supervisor's name. I got her the cute little sign below to put in her office. LOL! We have a saying here, "If you didn't document it, it didn't happen". So, I thought it appropriate. Mandy drew my name and got me this cute Christmas gnome. Alas, I forgot to snap a pic of him before leaving him at work on my file cabinet. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

DDV DreamSnaps - Under the Sea

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[DECOR CHALLENGE] Bring some underwater inspiration to your Valley decor. 

I failed this challenge big time. LOL! I should have just went to Ariel's little cove.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Sims 4 - Royal Kingdom Legacy Challenge

I have been getting a new save together on my Sims 4 game to start up a legacy challenge - royal style. I want to turn a few of the worlds into Kingdoms and I started with Oasis Springs, which is similar to Egypt and the middle-east. So, I decided to go with an Arabian/Moroccan style. This will be my palace for my royal family. Of course this will be on an entirely different lot when I move it and will be facing the correct way. LOL.

I initially wanted to use Topkapi Palace as my build, but the lots would need to be bigger to justify that palace, which is one of my favorites. Being a history lover, I have always been fascinated with that era and the Ottoman Empire. So, that little red flag you see is the flag of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire encompassed Constantinople, which is now Istanbul, Turkey. 😀

And I found a new series to watch about the Ottoman Empire! It's actually been out for years but I just recently came across an English dub on YouTube, which I needed since it's in Turkish! It's called Magnificent Century and is about Sulieman the Magnificent, which focuses on his reign and his marriage to Hurrem, one of his favorites. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

DDV DreamSnaps - Jean Dreams

This weeks Disney Dreamlight photo challenge:

[OUTFIT CHALLENGE] Showcase your true blue! Put together an outfit featuring denim. 


December already?!

Welcome December and holy cow - Christmas is right before us!!! It's been 84 years since I posted. 😁 I finally updated my website and blog. My family is feeling better thankfully. I was feeling under the weather for weeks and my cough just lingered. We did get another possible diagnosis - RSV. Yeah, what the littles get. Anyway, I am just glad that we are all finally feeling well and can gear up for Christmas.

We didn't do much for Thanksgiving this year since we were all feeling blah. We didn't even cook a turkey. LOL. We had glazed ham, homemade mac n cheese, and a few other sides. We stayed at home and just chilled. I have done a bit of shopping online and we are really behind on getting stuff done. Hopefully we can get the tree up and decorated. T mowed the yard and my husband finally got the outside outlet replaced so we can get our yard decorations out and some lights up on the house. I really need to look into how much it would cost to have someone else put the lights on the house. I know their are companies and even individuals that do this, but we have never priced it. My hubby has no business even being on a ladder these days. My son helps out as much as he can. I almost have heart failure when attempting to get on a ladder. 😮